FusionFall Wiki
BillyA Nano Mission NanoGuideIcon Carnival Collection
Level 10
Difficulty Hard
Character Billy
Area Endsville - The Suburbs
Help Billy collect stuff for a trip.
My Notes
I helped Billy collect the items he need to join the carnival. I also defeated Fusion Billy to collect an extra baseball cap, which I can use to make a Billy Nano.
Nano Billy Billy Nano

Mission offer[]


BillyA Billy
Nano Time! Nano Time! Go find the Baron Bloodsuckers in Endsville.


Carnival Collection
I've decided I'm going to join the Dizzy World carnival. I need to put together some stuff for my trip. If you help me get all the things I need, you'll get a shiny new Nano in the process! What'dya say?

BillyA Billy
Hooray! Go find the Baron Bloodsuckers in Endsville.

Mission details[]

Step 1
Defeat the Baron Bloodsuckers.
Carnival Collection
Monsters stole my stuff and escaped! You need to help me get it back so I can join the carnival. First, I need an extra pair of underwear. Can you get them from those Baron Bloodsuckers?

BillyA Billy
Yay, you got my underwear! Next, I need my favorite video game.

BillyA Billy
Those Jerk-O-Lanterns stole my copy of Pat the Baker! Get 'em!

Step 2
Defeat the Jerk-O-Lanterns.
Carnival Collection
Excellent. You have recovered my underwear. Secondly, I will need to bring a copy of Pat the Baker, my favorite video game. You must get it back from the Jerk-O-Lanterns.

BillyA Billy
Finally, I shall need a sandwich to sustain me on my journey.

BillyA Billy
Now go and recover a sandwich from the Mummy Monsters.

Step 3
Defeat the Mummy Monsters.
Carnival Collection
You have gotten me my underwear and my video game. Huzzah. Last but not least, I need a sandwich. Yum! Go get one back from the Mummy Monsters here in Endsville, baby!

BillyA Billy
Ooo! I almost forgot! I need an extra baseball cap!

BillyA Billy
I think I left one inside the graveyard infected zone. Meet me there, okay?

Step 4
Meet Billy in the infected zone.
Carnival Collection
I also need to bring an extra baseball cap. I left one inside the Eternal Meadows infected zone. Meet me there and I'll show you where it is, okay?

BillyA Billy
A Fusion guy took my baseball cap! Come and help me!

Step 5
Find the Fusion Portal.
Carnival Collection
I just came in here to find my hat and, before I knew it, I was surrounded by scary Spinetinglers. Can you save me? Waaa!

Step 6
Enter the Fusion Portal.
Carnival Collection
I found my baseball cap, I think. Some creepy green guy has it! Can you find the Fusion Portal and come help me?

BillyA Billy
Halp! I am surrounded by Spinetinglers! Save me!

Step 7
Defeat seven Spinetinglers.
Carnival Collection
I just came in here to find my hat and, before I knew it, I was surrounded by scary Spinetinglers. Can you save me? Waaa!

BillyA Billy
Oh, joy! Can you bring me all that stuff you collected from Endsville?

Step 8
Deliver stuff to Billy.
Carnival Collection
Thanks for saving me from those scary Spinetinglers! Now how about bringing me all that groovy stuff that you collected?

BillyA Billy
Thanks! We did it! But look, there's a big green Fusion monster over there. You gotta go get him. Biff! Boom! Pow!

Step 9
Defeat Fusion Billy.
Carnival Collection
A Fusion monster that looks just like me! Hey, is my nose really that big? You gotta defeat Fusion Billy!


Nano Billy

Nano: Billy

Type: Adaptium


Freedom - Self Freedom - Self

Sleep - Self Area Sleep – Self Area

Damage - Cone Damage - Cone
